okay so, like I posted earlier I'm still finishing up this book. But Harris is defining spirituality as (if I understand correctly) the effort to find ones "self". Based on his own experience he makes a compelling argument that this one aspect of eastern philosophy, the notion that there is no such duality as self and object because there is no self, is acceptable and real.
He does this while denouncing religion and faith. His argument is that ego is an illusion, that self is an illusion and that by trying to find ones self you can dissemble these illusions. This supposedly leads to much happier lives. He even provides some findings that meditation like this can physically effect the brain. As well as some other evidence that this is possibly legit
It's kind of hard to summarize appropriately actually. But he makes a good argument, going so far as to suggest that the spiritual experiences of people like Buddha, Jesus, Muhammed, etc were legit but were viewed through the lens of their religious faith and thus sort of spoiled. He also says that spiritual experiences from meditation like this can be observed and proven.
its a very interesting book. I highly suggest it, and would appreciate your educated opinion on it.